This blog is 1 year old! I can hardly believe it. It seems like yesterday I started this up as a way to connect to my members during the week and now it's turned into something so much bigger than that! Earlier this week I hit over 20,000 views which just blows my mind!!
I want to thank each and every one of you for reading, commenting and sending me emails. It really makes me so happy to connect with all of you and as a result I've learned so much. WW has taught me so much about myself and has helped me more on my life journey than just in weight loss. It has pushed me in directions I had no idea I would go in and introduced me to people I had no idea existed - but am so happy that I'm going there now. I also have to say that being a WW Leader is one of the best, most fulfilling jobs on the planet!!! My members continue to inspire me every single week and I am so grateful to lead such a phenomenal group of people.
I've learned that no matter how far off plan you feel you've gone, you're never completely off the WW wagon. Sometimes you're in the driver's seat, other times you're holding on for dear life and there are times when you are running behind it trying to catch up. It will always be in your periphery, and just like the 'Footprints' poem a leader, receptionist, friend, fellow poster or even "Hungry" will always be there to carry you when you need it most.
This blog originally started as a way for me to connect with my members and other WW folks throughout but morphed into something entirely different when I was diagnosed with Crohn's. Thank you for your amazing support and continued enthusiasm for my blog as I've tweaked the format. I love all of my readers - the Weight Watchers, foodies, vegans, yogis, friends, family and everyone else!
Since birthdays are a festive occasion, I thought a giveaway would be in order!! To make it even more fun, there are two different things you can win!!
It's no secret that I love my Laptop Lunch. The lovely folks at Obentec (who make the Laptop Lunches) have graciously agreed to give one to one of my readers!! I am so excited to spread the Laptop Lunch love to one of you.
A second winner will also recieve a prize package with a few fun "Ashley's Choice" items in it. The contents haven't been confirmed as of yet but may include something like this or maybe a couple of my favourite things or maybe a book? I'm having a lot of fun putting it together!!
To win:
- Leave me a comment and tell me which post over the last year was your favourite (and why)
- Gain another entry by posting a link to this giveaway on your blog and leaving me a comment to tell me about it.
- Gain a third entry by checking out the Laptop Lunch site and leave me a comment telling me which bento set is your favourite. (I love my pink set!)
The giveaway is open to readers in Canada and US. This giveaway will close next Sunday June 7 at 6:00pm EST. I will choose 2 winners through a random number generator and will contact the winners via email. Please be sure to include your email in your entries so that I can contact you easily if you win.
Thanks again to my Laptop Lunch friends for donating a bento box for one of you lucky readers!
And thanks again to all of you! I look forward to more blogging in the year to come...
Congrats Ash!!! I love your blog, it gives me hope that in a year I can still be at goal :-)
My favourite post was the Active in April with the calender. That calendar changed my whole outlook on activity. I know I've told this to several people on the WW 20 somethings board, but I don't know if I mentioned it to you.
It started me tracking my MINUTES of activity instead of just "trying" to be active 3-5 times a week. It helped me develop a habit, and the habit is now good and strong :)
Keep up the good work!
I think Whimsical is my favourite Bento Box set, because purple is the colour of the logo for my purse business!
I posted a link to the contesst (can you tell I really want to win ;) here in my blog: http://nikbis.blogspot.com/2009/05/giveaway.html
Eeep I'm so excited, I just came across Laptop Lunches and REALLY REALLY want one ... my favourite is also the pink bento box, sooooo pretty!!!
I have just recently began reading your blog, my favourite to date is 'How to raise $434.75 in 5 minutes'. I really enjoyed seeing the goodies as well as seeing just how fast your goodies were gone, it's amazing how most people are willing to hand over money to help a cause!!!
I have made a post on my blog linking back to your giveaway ...
crackmonkee at hotmail dot com
I've just discovered your blog and would LOVE the chance to win....not sure what post is my favorite as I've yet to read them all..but I certainly look forward to reading more.
Hey Ashley, I just had to change my email address due to someone hacking it so here's the new address you can reach me at if by chance I win your Giveaway :) ...
criztawl at yahoo dot ca
Congrats on your 1 year anniversary!!
My favorite post of yours would have to be the one that first showed the laptop lunches. They look so awesome.
My favorite box would be a toss up between the pink one and the black and red one.
I added a link to your blog to mine :)
My e-mail address is jennymac_ca@yahoo.com
Hi Ashley!
I have done the following:
1) I only started reading your blogs recently, but I love your post on "Making Love in the Kitchen Part 1" because I was inspired to make what looks like the cucumber with hummus & red pepper rounds for my birthday party last weekend!
2) I have made a post on my blog about your giveaways!
3) I also visited the Laptop Lunch site and LOVE the PRIME and PINK!
Congratulations on such a pretty & successful blog as well as being an inspiration to so many WWs.
I am a lurker and appreciate all your posts because they motivate me on my quest to lose weight.
My favorite post is here:
I loved that raw taco recipe and am dying to try it. Who knew soaked walnuts would be substituted for meat. WOW!
I love the red laptop lunch system
Gongratulations on 1 year! A-MAZING!
My favorite post would be "What It Means to be a Part of Gen Y". I could really relate to it.
Bento fav is definitely the pink one! I am such a girl and proud of it! I will post a link as soon as I get a chance!
Hi love! That's AMAZING! 1 year:)
You certainly bring many good things to the world wide WEB!
You bring your positivity and love for health to others and change their LIVES for the better.
You are just one of the most amazing person I have ever met <3 And I'm so glad I can call you a friend.
If I have to be honest, my favorite post is the one you wrote about me "One inspiring lady"
That post touched me and made me tear up at WORK! I felt really special when you wrote that and that's why it's my answer for my favorite post. BUT I love ALL your posts <3
My favorite lunch box is the BENTO BOX SET (INTERNET PKG) PINK as well.
I just love pink <3 You know that haha
I also did my OWN "one inspiring lady" post for you <3
I also included a link to your blog for the contest!
It's a long entry! I'm sorry <3 I love you so!
Hey there,
I found your blog because of Jess. I've been watching her religiously on you tube and she is Awesome. So, naturally I loved your One Inspiring lady post about Jess.
Your blog is so inspirational! I've lost almost 20 pounds and its so fantastic seeing how far other people have come.
I also LOVE the bento boxes. I lived in Japan for three years so this is a little taste of the old me...sigh.
Will post a link to your contest on my blog. I'm giving away a pack of Tofu Shirataki in mine...coz God knows those things are hard to come by!
I love all your posts... but my favorite are your meal plans. I get lots of great ideas from there!
Happy Blogiversary!
I really like the post where you show how you pack your laptop lunch. I always find it so neat to see what people can fit into them!
Oh, and I think that the blue ("Peri") laptop lunch set best suits my personality :)I also really like Whimsical!
I really enjoy reading your blog...I've particularly liked your reviews of the cooking class you've been taking. It's inspired me to look into classes in my area :)
linked on my blog :)
Annnd finally...while I thought pink would be my favourite, I really like the black and red bento box set!
awesome giveaway!!
Congrats on your one-year!! I can't specifically say which ONE post I love the most. You are so inspiring and alway so helpful. I really like reading all your posts. Since January, I have been reading your blog on a daily basis and this keeps me on track with WW.
So, to say which post i loved the most would be unfair, as all your posts inspired me in one way or another.
Keep up the amazing work!! :)
My favorite would be the Bento Set in sleeve with Ice Pack in the pink!! :)
Love love love your blog and congrats on your anniversary!
My favourite post is: What it means to be part of Gen Y. I really identified with that post and it was comforting to read that my lifestyle (having a million things on the go at once and having several different interests) was perhaps a generational issue.
My favourite bento box set is the black and red one. I wish they had a black and pink one.
I posted a link on my blog http://inmynuddypants.blogspot.com/2009/06/giveaway.html
My e-mail address is agrayr01@uoguelph.ca :)
Ash! I just love your blog! Especially because it brought me to your meetings!!
Mt favourite post has to be the Nov 11-08 'Motivation A to Z'. I liked it so much in fact that I wrote it in my 3mo tracker! And it helps me to stay motivated every week because I see it written out there, and keeps me in check!!
I wish I could get an extra entry for having a blog... but I don't have one yet :( If you love me, you'll give me an extra entry! Haha. Just kidding!
eMy Favourite Laptop Lunch... is the whimsical! Purple is my favourite colour and there is just something about the word, whimsical!
Hey Ashley!
This is the other Ms. Gibson here wishing you many congrats on a fantastic blog (one of hopefully many years to come).
My fav post was the one entitled "How to raise 434.75$ in 5 minutes". Your cake designs were amazing and I wanted cake after.
As for the bento boxes, umm...obviously I love the pink one! hehe!
I don't know if my e-mail links on here, but you have it anyways!
Take care - congrats!!
Keep posting so I have awesome stuff to read!!! :)
BTW... I really love that pic of your cat! We should set our cats up on a cat date! Have a great week - See you Sat!
Oh my-- I hardly ever eneter giveaways because they are usually for food (that I can't eat)! I would LOVE to win one of these, I love seeing the bento box on your blog and have always thought it would be a good idea to get one since I am bringing food with me everywhere! Plus Ash's fav goodies? Sounds like a perfect giveaway to me.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY DANCING THROUGH LIFE! Thanks girl for the giveaway
Ok for a second entry I would say my fav box is the pink one! What girl seriously doesn't love pink?!
Eric is so cute :-)
My favourite post was a recent one.. it wasn't totally weight loss related but I still loved it. It was the mother's day post. It completely touched me and left me sobbing.
I obviously also really enjoyed the laptop lunch post as I bought myself one! Therefore.. if in the offchance I win, I would like to win 2nd prize ;) (it that's possible?)
I linked to your blog through my blog!! :)
This giveaway post is my favourite, because it's the first post of yours I've read! I found your blog through Nikbis' blog (Hi Nikki).
Which bento set is your favourite? I like the black & red one. It's 'conservative' enough on the outside that it looks like a regular lunchbox but fun! on the inside..like me haha.
Congratulations on your 1 year blog anniversary. :) My favorite posts are your weekly meal recaps. As a new WW member, they have been really helpful.
The blue laptop lunch bento box is my favorite.
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